Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Project Description

Buffalo Arts Digital Library will be a digital library of contemporary artistic production in Buffalo. Made as part of a semester-long group project for UB's Digital Libraries course, it is meant to be a prototype for further development that will include the work dozens of Buffalo artists; as such, it is not a complete view of the enormously productive arts scene in Buffalo. Watch this space for a Call for Work and other updates including interviews with featured Buffalo artists!


  1. Jessica, is there a mission statement for the BADL? I'm unclear on what the scope of this is. What will be done with the work?

  2. It's a digital archive (a digital library... like InternetArchive, ARTstor, etc.). The work submitted will be available online in a professional digital library environment, where it can be accessed for free. It will be attributed, obviously, and catalogued just as if it were in a traditional library. The blog and other web 2.0 supplements will highlight each artist's works as we add them to the main library.
